新环球汉语招聘招聘 | Paid Marketing and Development Internship
  • 面议
  • 青岛
  • 经验 应届毕业生
  • 实习
  • 发布于1970-01-01

You will be working in an environment with both foreign students and mainland Chinese people which all can speak English. And you will get the possibility to take 1-on-1 Mandarin classes free of charge and to join the events which are organized every month. We will provide you with a visa and will also be able to help you find a place to stay ( homestay or apartment ) As an intern, you will support our marketing department, take over responsibility for your own fields of duty and be the contact person for social media and international cooperations. Starting time: June/July/Early August 2019 Fields of duty: - Marketing - Social media - Event planning as well as participating at different events Overseas Development: - International correspondence - Entrenching international cooperations.


Requirements: - Filming, Photography and Editing skills - Knowledge about social media - Preferably following a marketing or business education on university level - Proficient business level English




SinoJobs,2009年在德国汉堡成立。是欧洲领先的,面向华人的职业招聘门户。通过职位广告、雇主品牌推广、线下招聘活动等服务内容相结合,SinoJobs为企业雇主搭建了一个面向大中华区和欧洲的高效招聘平台。 在德国举办的年度SinoJobs Career Days(中欧企业招聘会)是目前欧洲最大、聚焦中欧人才的招聘会。SinoJobs以全方位、多渠道的服务方式,以及良好的校企资源,奠定了欧洲华人招聘平台的领导地位。 2017年,SinoJobs全资子公司在上海、成都成立。我们秉承德企专业、务实的一贯作风,服务于在华的1800余家外资和国内知名企业。同时,我们和国内众多的双一流高校合作,开设了“职德”就业指导培训。SinoJobs为优质企业和优秀人才构建了一座无障碍的、跨国沟通和合作的桥梁。 我们提供最好的平台,由你助力企业的腾飞!