Project Support Officer
  • 5K-10K
  • 苏州
  • 经验 1年~3年
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

Supports operative planning & execution of projects and support tasks, especially with regard to resources, connects controlling/ budget/ forecasting data with department activities and resource planning & tracking, Interface SAP with planning tool (Planta) -Resource utilization report creation -Resource planning for upcoming projects, tasks and budget forecasts -Configure resource master data according to availability and department head information -Cost center creation in SAP for Development projects and support activities in alignment with controlling -Replanning of activities and support during budget changes for project leaders, department heads and activity group leaders -Monthly data exchange on the interface between SAP and Planta -Project planning support for project and module leaders according to 4 phases planning model -Continuous improvement on planning tool, planning principles and interfaces for R&D centers in Europe & Asia -Show resource gaps in multi- project landscapes and propose solutions


-supply chain knowledge -Industrial clerk, 1-2 years experience as Business administration or Project coordinator -High level communication skills, clear and precise facts -Excellent problem solving skills and analytical mindset




SIG康美包是全球领先的无菌食品饮料纸盒包装及灌装机供应商。公司总部位于瑞士莱茵河畔的Neuhausen,在全球65个国家/地区设有运营机构,共有超过5000名员工。目前SIG康美包集团隶属于加拿大Onex私募股权投资公司。 SIG康美包(苏州)有限公司是SIG康美包集团在中国的全资子公司,早在1985年便正式进入中国市场。2004年位于苏州工业园区占地六万平方米的SIG康美包纸盒包材生产基地正式投入生产。2010年SIG康美包在苏州开设了灌装机组装中心。目前,SIG康美包苏州工厂包材年产能达到120亿包。2017年亚太区技术中心筹建,落户苏州园区,并于2017年5月举行隆重奠基仪式。作为SIG集团除总部以外的第一大技术中心,总建筑面积达1.6万平方米,总投资超3.2亿,目前已投入使用。 今天,SIG康美包的中国客户涵盖了国内领先的乳品、饮料和食品生产企业。在上海和北京两个办事处的业务支持下,SIG康美包将一如既往地致力于为中国客户提供优异而全面的市场、销售以及技术服务。