Multiway Robotics Europe GmbH



Multiway Robotics is an advanced leading intelligent intralogistics solution provider and our headquarter is in Shenzhen, China. We also have global offices and local team - United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea, with over 180 employees around the Multiway robotics features in micro-class navigation, fastest speed control, large-scale dispatch algorithm and machine vision technology. 劢微机器人专注于先进的机器人与人工智能技术,为客户提供产品级的智能制造及智慧物流解决方案;从底层核心传感器,到核心算法,再到自主研发的无人化车型及上层系统,整套端到端解决方案,形成一体化全栈式创新交付平台。硬件产品包括:全品类的无人叉车及四向穿梭车;软件系统包括:劢微云、WMS、RCS、WCS、现场管理系统及多种视觉解决方案。 劢微机器人已在工厂、仓储、物流等领域交付了大量标杆项目,成为全球众多行业领先客户信赖的持续合作伙伴。

