职位说明 1. 就二次变压器数字设备(MSENSE)的规格和选择以及与 MR 自动化相关产品(ETOS)的集成提供协助、指导、建议和支持;支持招标过程; 2. 在评估变压器应用的最佳智能设备选择方面,为客户提供值得信赖的顾问服务; 3. 现场访问变压器原始设备制造商或客户现场,进行演示、调查和设备诊断或更新; 4. 积极创造需求,协助客户与 MR 进行流程整合,并对 MR 产品进行标准化/规范化; 5. 撰写技术服务报告,向负责的内部和外部利益相关者传递重要信息; 6. 规划、协调、领导和管理与智能变压器设备部署相关的小型项目。 Description Providing assistance, guidance, advice and support with secondary transformer digital equipment (MSENSE) specifications and selections, and integration into MR AUTOMATION related products (ETOS); support tendering process; Trusted advisor for clients in assessing the optimal intelligent equipment selection for the respective transformer application; Onsite visits at Transformer OEM or Customer Site for demonstrations, investigations and equipment diagnose or updates; Active demand generation, assisting customers in the process integration with MR and standardization/specification of MR products; Writing of technical service reports and passing on important information to the responsible internal and external stakeholders; Planning, coordination, leading and management of smaller projects related to the deployment of intelligent transformer equipment.
要求 1. 电气工程、自动化或相关专业学士学位; 2. 在变压器制造商工作 3 至 5 年,优先考虑电气设计、二次设计、组件、运行和支持方面的经验; 3. 动手能力强,能够演示、安装、配置和调试二次设备; 4. 绝对以客户为中心,从客户出发,制定客户解决方案,赢得并保持客户的信任; 5. 人际交往能力强,坚持最高的工作标准,提出强有力的、令人信服的客户价值主张; 6. 英语口语和书面交流流利,能制作简洁的演示文稿,撰写说明和备忘录; 7. 愿意出差,并能灵活地全身心投入到客户的成功中。 Requirements Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering, Automation or related; 3 to 5 years experience at a Transformer manufacturer in the area of electrical design, secondary design, components, operation, support as priority; Hands-on approach and capable of demonstrating, mounting, configuring, commissioning of secondary equipment; Absolutely customer-committed, starting with the customer, developing customer solutions, earning and keeping customer trust; Strong interpersonal skills, insisting on highest working standards, developing strong and convincing customer value propositions; Fluency in English oral and written communication, creation of concise presentations and writing of narratives and memos; Willingness to travel and flexibility to commit fully to client success.
MR中国于2006年在上海成立,是MR在中国的全资子公司,负责MR的所有产品在中国市场的销售、客户支持以及技术维护。除了核心产品调压变压器用开关以及其附属设备和电子产品,我们还经营 Messko®的产品 。 上海子公司约有140名员工,我们迅速响应客户需求,及时为客户提供专业的产品咨询、特殊应用解决方案、技术答疑和现场维护。为了增强与客户的沟通,我们以销售部为核心,整合销售,客户支持,技术维护等职能,为客户营造全新的一站式的无缝体验。一旦有任何突发情况,我们的专家将会在第一时间赶到现场,为您解决问题。
实习生 面议
Youcube Group GmbH 国外
技术销售工程师 面议
NOVOSENSE Microelectronics 上海
应用工程师/测试开发工程师 面议
NOVOSENSE Microelectronics 上海
系统应用工程师/现场应用工程师 面议
NOVOSENSE Microelectronics 上海
安装调试工程师(Installations- und Inbetriebnahmeingenieur) 面议
Hans New Energy Equipment(Germany) GmbH 国外
人力资源运营专员(合同制) 面议
产品注册及公司内务经理 面议
Victory Enzymes GmbH 国外