German Administrative Personnel
  • 面议
  • 国外
  • 经验 不限
  • 全职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

Main Responsibilities: Develop the recruitment plan for German employees and execute the plan; Develop the training plan for company employees in Germany and implement the plan; Conduct performance evaluations for company employees in Germany and implement evaluation results; Manage the salary and benefits of company employees in Germany, including salary payments and deductions; Handle social insurance and insurance claims for company employees in Germany; Manage arrangements and follow-up work for company employees in foreign countries; Other tasks arranged by the leadership. 主要职责: 制定德国员工招聘计划并执行该计划; 制定德国公司员工培训计划并实施该计划; 对德国公司员工进行绩效考核,落实考核结果; 管理公司员工在德国的工资和福利,包括工资支付和扣除; 为德国公司员工办理社会保险和保险理赔; 管理公司员工在国外的安排和跟进工作; 领导安排的其他工作。


Job Responsibilities: Proficient in Chinese, English, and German, with excellent language reading and writing skills; Familiar with German labor laws and employee welfare policies, understanding of local culture and business practices; Strong data analysis and processing capabilities, adept at tracking and managing data; Experience in administrative work and various government agencies including industry and commerce, taxation, and customs affairs; Ability to process employee work visas; Good communication and coordination skills, and teamwork abilities, able to effectively communicate and collaborate with various departments; International driver\'s license is preferred, relevant qualifications or certifications are advantageous; Experience in headhunting or recruitment channels with a \'C\' level and above is preferred; candidates with a German background will be given priority consideration. Outstanding graduates are welcome to apply. 岗位职责: 精通中、英、德,具有优秀的语言读写能力; 熟悉德国劳动法和员工福利政策,了解当地文化和商业 较强的数据分析处理能力,擅长数据跟踪和管理; 具有行政工作和各种政府机构的经验,包括工商、税务和海关事务; 能够处理员工工作签证; 良好的沟通协调能力,以及团队合作能力,能够与各部门进行有效的沟通和协作; 有相关资质或证书者优先; 有“C”级及以上的猎头或招聘渠道经验者优先; 具有德国背景的候选人将被优先考虑。


上班地址:Steinbach (Taunus), Deutschland


上海腾翼搏时国际货运代理股份有限公司建立于1999年,经中华人民共和国商务部、交通部、海关总署、民航总局批准的国际货运代理企业,主要是从事Hand Carry Service(或称OBC)、Speed Line、Speed Cargo、生命科学冷链运输等运输服务,多年来我们累积了丰富的经验,并为您提供人性化物流解决方案,为您带来迅捷服务。 腾翼搏时以其Hand Carry手提紧急货物运输服务而闻名,经过10多年的发展,已经形成了Hand Carry Service、Speed-Line、生命科学冷链三大业务板块,并可以为数十种行业提供物流解决方案。核心的Hand Carry手提紧急货物运输服务在国际物流服务上一直保持着国内的服务优势,专门针对每个客户量身定的物流解决方案,不断创新是我们一直致力追求的目标。 腾翼除了物流服务以外,同时也提供多方位的物流服务,其中包括国际、国内空运、快递、内陆运输、报关、报检、仓储、多式联运及专项大型物流服务等。 与世界接轨,凭借在全球广大的物流网络和我们连接,在亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲、美洲(北美、中美)以及南非和非洲北部地区的任意两点之间将您的紧急货物迅速送达;在中国国内,我们的网络覆盖了30个省市自治区,可以提供给对时间、温度和安全敏感的客户运输服务