MR China Ltd.
  • 面议
  • 上海
  • 经验 不限
  • 全职
  • 发布于2024-09-03

在指定的地理区域、产品范围或客户 名单中推广和销售本组织的产品和服务,以达到或超过销售目标。 确保并扩大业务。维护和发展与公共服务机构/研究所/OEM 和代理机构的关系,同时开发新的市场机会。 组织或参与针对重要或潜在客户/合作伙伴的研讨会、介绍会和销售谈判。 通过各种销售渠道收集项目信息,并积极跟进,实现 “创造参考 ”和 “成功谈判”。 编制定期报告,如:预测、访问报告、市场和客户 信息、竞争分析等。 通过与 OEM 销售合作,确保报价和订单跟进,确保每个项目都能下订单。 确保报价准备工作。(商业和技术准确性)并跟进报价。 检查未付款项并执行必要的程序。 Promote and sell the organization’s products and services within an assigned geographic area, product range, or list of customer accounts to meet or exceed sales targets. Secure and expand the business. Maintain and develop relationship with PSB/Institute/OEM and agencies, meanwhile develop new market opportunities. Organize or participate in seminars, presentations and sales negotiations for important or potential customers/partners. Collect project information through various sales channels, and actively follow up to realize “create reference” and “success negotiation”. Compiling regular reports, such as: forecasts, visit reports, market and customer information, competition analysis. Secure offer and order follow up by cooperation with OEM sales to ensure each project placing order. To secure offer preparations. (Commercial and technical accuracy) and follow up of offers. Checking outstanding payments and implementing necessary procedures.


电气工程、自动化或相关专业学士学位。 至少 3 年跨国公司销售和营销经验。 有电气备件产品销售、资产管理经验者优先; 良好的英语能力(书面和口语)。 计算机技能,如 SAP、Excel、PPT。 团队合作能力强,能够积极主动地激励他人。 自我激励,具有独立工作能力。 愿意出差并具有灵活性 Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Automation or related. At least 3 years experience in Sales and Marketing in Multinational Corporation. Experience in products sales of electrical spare parts, asset management will be preferred; Good command of English (written & spoken). Computer skills, e.g. SAP, Excel, PPT. High team work ability, ability to inspire positively and actively. Self-motivated & ability to work independently. Willingness to travel and flexibility




MR中国于2006年在上海成立,是MR在中国的全资子公司,负责MR的所有产品在中国市场的销售、客户支持以及技术维护。除了核心产品调压变压器用开关以及其附属设备和电子产品,我们还经营 Messko®的产品 。 上海子公司约有140名员工,我们迅速响应客户需求,及时为客户提供专业的产品咨询、特殊应用解决方案、技术答疑和现场维护。为了增强与客户的沟通,我们以销售部为核心,整合销售,客户支持,技术维护等职能,为客户营造全新的一站式的无缝体验。一旦有任何突发情况,我们的专家将会在第一时间赶到现场,为您解决问题。