MR China Ltd.
  • 面议
  • 上海
  • 经验 不限
  • 全职
  • 发布于2024-09-09

检查、记录和处理销售部门的报销工作,确保跟踪和访问报告的记录规范、准确。 在SD/GM签字之前,预先检查销售合同和服务合同,包括合同价值、适用折扣、购买者背景、条款和条件等。 定期更新和维护 Salesforce/SAP 系统,包括维护合作伙伴/联系人、上传访问报告和输入项目信息。 组织并鼓励销售经理完成任务,如跟进应收账款、积压账款和未结报价。 协助销售经理开展日常工作,如组织和协调客户拜访和商务旅行、准备拜访和销售会议、跟踪团队目标完成情况以及准备演示文稿。 销售总监指派的其他职责和任务。 Check, record, and process the reimbursement for the sales department to ensure standard and accurate record-keeping for tracking and visit reports. Pre-check sales contracts and service contracts before SD/GM signature, including contract value, applied discounts, purchaser\'s background, terms & conditions,etc. Regularly update and maintain the Salesforce/SAP system, including partner/contact maintenance, uploading visit reports, and entering project information. Organize and encourage sales managers to complete tasks such as following up on accounts receivable,backlog, and open offers. Assist sales managers in their daily work, such as organizing and coordinating customer visits and business trips, preparing for visits, sales meetings, and tracking team target fulfillment, as well as preparing presentations. Other duties and tasks assigned by the Sales Director.


电气工程或商务英语专业学士学位,电子专业优先; 至少 1 年跨国公司相关工作经验。 熟悉电脑技能,包括 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 等,有 ERP/SAP 经验者优先; 优秀的中英文口头和书面沟通能力。 高度的责任感,注重细节。 思路开阔,具有良好的团队合作精神,较强的人际沟通和协调能力。 Bachelor\'s degree in Electrical Engineering or Business English, Major in Electronic will be preferred; At least 1 year of related work experience in a multinational company. Be familiar with PC Skills, includes Word, Excel,PowerPoint, etc., be experienced of ERP/SAP will be preferred; Excellent spoken and written communication skills in both English and Chinese. High sense of responsibility and detail-oriented. Open-minded and good teamwork, with strong interpersonal communication and coordination abilities.




MR中国于2006年在上海成立,是MR在中国的全资子公司,负责MR的所有产品在中国市场的销售、客户支持以及技术维护。除了核心产品调压变压器用开关以及其附属设备和电子产品,我们还经营 Messko®的产品 。 上海子公司约有140名员工,我们迅速响应客户需求,及时为客户提供专业的产品咨询、特殊应用解决方案、技术答疑和现场维护。为了增强与客户的沟通,我们以销售部为核心,整合销售,客户支持,技术维护等职能,为客户营造全新的一站式的无缝体验。一旦有任何突发情况,我们的专家将会在第一时间赶到现场,为您解决问题。