  • 面议
  • 上海
  • 经验 不限
  • 全职
  • 发布于2024-09-14

中国是梅赛德斯-奔驰最大的乘用车市场。在梅赛德斯-奔驰中国研发中心。我们致力于通过先进的技术为中国客户提供适合中国的ADAS/AD产品。目前,我们正在寻找对开发适合中国的ADAS/AD系统抱有同样热情和激情的ADAS/AD专家。 在这个职位上,您将成为中国研发部AD数据引擎团队的一员,负责ADAS/AD系统的AD连接开发。您将与不同的梅赛德斯-奔驰车系和不同的功能所有者合作。 作为团队的高级成员,您将负责系统级以及软件规格和开发。您还将管理与不同对口部门的端到端数据通道,并确保按照项目时间表上传和下 载数据。您应具备较强的沟通、组织和分析能力。 China is the biggest passenger car market for Mercedes-Benz. In Mercedes-Benz R&D China. We strive to provide China-fit ADAS/AD products through advanced technologies to our Chinese customers. We are currently looking for ADAS/AD experts who share the same passion and enthusiasm for developing a China-fit ADAS/AD system. In this position, you will be part of the AD Data Engine team in R&D China and responsible for AD Connectivity development in ADAS/AD system. You will be working with different Mercedes-Benz carlines and different function owners. As a senior member of the team, you will be responsible for system level as well as SW specification and development. You will also manage the end-to-end data channel with different counterparts and ensure the data upload and download according to project timeline. You should have strong communication, organizational, and analytical skills.


- 电气或计算机科学、车辆工程或相关专业的学士/硕士学位 - 深刻理解互联概念,包括目标、益处、前端/后端资源使用和基本机制。 - 具有 ADAS/AD 系统、域控制器、AUTOSAR AP/ROS/Apollo CyberRT 和连接开发经验 - 具有以太网通信开发经验,包括 SOMEIP/HTTPS(C++)、TCP/IP 知识 - 熟悉技术(CPU 负载、带宽、RAM、NVM)/法律边界(敏感区域判断) - 熟悉数据安全和网络安全要求 - 能够提出软件和硬件要求、技术实施和测试方法 - 具有与多方合作伙伴合作进行机载软件部署的经验。人际交往能力,能够推动不同团队之间的协调。自我负责的工作态度和主动性 - 最好具备 FOTA 和 DOTA 的基本知识。 - 英语流利者优先 - 愿意在国内外出差 • Bachelor/Master in Electrical or Computer Science, Vehicle engineering, or related field of study • Deep understanding of connectivity concept, including the objective ,benefit, frontend/backend resources usage, and the basic mechanism. • Experience with ADAS/AD system, domain controller, AUTOSAR AP/ROS/Apollo CyberRT and connectivity development • Experience with Ethernet communication development including SOMEIP/HTTPS(C++), knowledge of TCP/IP • Familiar with getting technical (CPU loading, Bandwidth, RAM, NVM)/ legally boundary (Sensitive areas judgement) • Familiar with Data security and Cyber Security requirements • Ability to make software and hardware requirements, technical implementation and testing methodologies • Experience in cooperation with multi-partners for on-board SW deployment. Interpersonal skills, able to drive alignment across different teams. Self-responsible working attitude and initiative • Ideally fundamental knowledge about FOTA and DOTA. • Fluent English language skills preferred • Willingness to travel inside China and abroad




The company founders, Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, made history by inventing the automobile in 1886. As a pioneer of automotive engineering, the company sees shaping the future of mobility in a safe and sustainable way as both a motivation and obligation. Daimler Greater China Ltd. was founded in Beijing in 2001 and is responsible for the activities of Mercedes-Benz Cars and Vans, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Mobility Services, the spare parts business, and research and development centers. With its high-quality products, customer-oriented services, continuous investments, and long-lasting alliances with strong local partners, Daimler Greater China steadily strives to prove its commitment to its Chinese customers. 公司创始人戈特利布·戴姆勒和卡尔·奔驰于1886年发明了汽车,书写了历史新篇章。作为汽车行业的先驱,我们将通过安全和可持续的方式塑造未来出行视为己任。 戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司于2001年在北京成立。旗下业务单元包括梅赛德斯-奔驰乘用车和轻型商务车、梅赛德斯-奔驰金融服务、出行服务、戴姆勒零部件贸易服务以及梅赛德斯-奔驰研发中心。通过至臻产品和客户至上的服务、持续的投资以及与强有力的中方伙伴的长期合作,戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司一直致力于实现对中国客户的承诺。