  • 面议
  • 北京
  • 经验 不限
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  • 发布于2024-09-18

负责新产品或系统的硬件设计与开发,包括原理图设计、PCB设计、器件选型等; 参与产品硬件线路的维护及优化,确保设计满足产品性能、可靠性及成本要求; 编写硬件设计文档,如硬件设计规格书、硬件测试方案等; 提供硬件技术支持,解答相关部门的技术问题; 编写生产相关文档,如生产指导书、BOM表等,配合生产部门进行生产; 参与产品试产、量产过程,解决生产中的硬件问题,确保产品顺利量产。


本科以上学历,计算机、自动化、电子信息类等相关专业; 英语水平CET4及以上,口语能进行日常沟通; 能够独立完成硬件电路原理图设计及PCB图绘制; 具备较好的责任感,有良好的团队合作精神; 有校内外产品设计竞赛经验,有获奖经历者优先。 985前十高校给予津贴2-10万 德国的福利待遇: 公司提供通勤车辆安排和免费住宿(针对中国留学生) 30天年假 提供职业发展支持,如:员工培训、轮岗等。 吃住行: 免费双人公寓员工宿舍 三星级员工食堂 宿舍内配备厨房 免费接送班车 安家支持: 购房支持(3年免息借款) 父母孝心基金 住房补贴 子女署期托管 公司福利: 五险一金 带薪年假 节日礼品 员工配车 每季度团建(工作日) 优秀员工境内外旅游 情感关怀: 员工关怀制度 员工子女就学 员工帮扶基金 员工生日礼物,结婚礼品 Work life balance: 周年文化嘉年华 悦读会 员工家庭日主题 生日会 篮球赛、羽毛球赛、电子竞技赛




Jack stock (Stock Code: 603337) began in 1995, focusing on the sewing equipment industry , with more than 7000 employees;One of the listed companies with the largest production and sales volume and the strongest comprehensive strength in the global sewing equipment industry;The total solution of intelligent service providers that integrates garment fabric accessories warehousing, digital boardrooms, intelligent fabric inspection, intelligent cutting, hanger sewing, back-end sorting, finished product warehousing, software and hardware such as APS, MES, and WMS;The products serve many fields such as clothing, shoes and hats, bags, furniture, leather, automobile, aviation, etc;It owns brands such as German Bullmer, Italian Maica, and Italian V.B.M. Bullmer, Founded in 1933, bullmer is a world-renowned supplier of automatic cutting equipment Headquartered in Merstetten, next to Stuttgart, Europe\'s technology frontier, Provide automated tailoring solutions for more than 20,000 customers in more than 100 countries around the world in Germany, Europe, Asia, North and Central America and Africa. Covering apparel, furniture, bags, toys, car seats, aerospace, airship, boat, wind power composite materials, packaging, advertise printing and other fields.