工作内容 Job Description: 1.作为伯曼集团ERP内部顾问,根据集团/子公司的业务流程,梳理现有系统流程; Working as internal ERP Consultant in BEUMER Group, sort out current system process based on the Business Process of BEUMER Group and Group company; 2.在子公司实施ERP项目阶段,以集团的SAP B1配置实施为蓝本,以子公司的实际业务需求为出发点,完成与之契合的分析整理和蓝图设计; During ERP implementation phase, based on BEUMER standard SAP B1 configuration and business requirement of each group company, finish analysis, system design and blueprint. 3.负责配合集团和子公司的关键用户、外部顾问全程参与S4 HANA, SAP B1的技术实现、上线准备和上线后支持等各项工作; Coordinate with the BEUMER Group key users and external consultants, participant in the launch preparation and technical support of S4 HANA and SAP B1. 4.在子公司实施ERP项目阶段,负责项目组内外的沟通与协调工作,确保项目的顺利开展; During implementation of ERP among Group companies, be responsible for communication and coordination within the project team, to ensure the project could be delivered successfully. 5.负责对关键用户的培训。 Be responsible for the key user training. 6.系统上线后,负责日常的SAP B1运维支持和内部咨询工作,包括用户端报错的初步排查、分析和解决; After system launching, be responsible for the SAP B1 daily operation and internal consulting, incl. preliminary troubleshooting, analysis and solution. 7.与关键用户或相关利益关系人合作,持续优化系统和流程; Work with key users and related stakeholders for continuous optimization of system and process. 8.负责SAP B1客制的功能规格设计,提交由内部技术团队予以实现; Be responsible for the definition/design of customizing specification and cooperate with internal technical team for realizing. 9.配合顾问理解用户需求,并完成接口、功能增强、报表等的功能开发说明书的编写; Support technical team for understanding internal requirements and writing SOW of function development in API, AddOn, Reports etc. 10.深入了解伯曼中国的业务,充分了解与SAP B1存在业务流交互和数据交换的其它周边系统的业务逻辑与系统逻辑,提出持续改进和优化系统的建议或方案。 Deep understanding on business of BEUMER China and all business systems integrated with SAP B1, deep understanding on business process as well as system logic, provide suggestions or solution for continuous improvement. 11.负责协助建立系统运维的知识库,及编写操作手册; Support for installation of System Operation Knowledge Base and work out user handbook.
任职要求 Job Requirement: 1.全日制本科及以上学历,应届毕业生或工作2年以内。优先考虑有财务专业背景知识。 Bachelor\\\\\\\'s degree or above, Financial background is preferred. 2.英文可以作为工作语言 (大学英语六级,雅思6分及以上)。 Good English skills (CET 6, IELTS 6.0 or above). 3.良好的沟通交流能力,方案撰写能力。 Good written and verbal communication skills, and good proposal writing skills. 4.良好的逻辑思维能力和解决问题能力。 Strong logical, analytical and problem-solving skills. 5.持续学习的能力。 Keep learning. 6.具有团队合作精神和强执行力。 Ability to work in teams and collaborate effectively with people in different functions, and strong execution ability. 7.良好的抗压能力,能适应长期国际差旅。 Good stress resistance and ability to adapt to long-term international travel.
伯曼集团于1935年成立于德国,是一家独立的第三代家族企业。伯曼集团是设计和制造输送、装载、码垛、包装、分拣和配送内部物流系统的全球领导者。我们在全球拥有 5,400 多名员工,年销售额约为 12 亿欧元。 作为一家家族企业,我们专注于长久的成功,并制定长期回报的战略。即使对许多企业来说,在追求快速利润至上的时代,我们仍然忠于我们的座右铭:“不在于一时的盈利,而在于永久的成功。“
大客户经理 面议
AEW Automotive Systems GmbH 国外
产品经理/产品工程师 面议
AEW Automotive Systems GmbH 国外
生产经理 面议
KEDALI Germany GmbH 国外
汽车产品工厂审核翻译(性别不限) 面议
MPR China Certification GmbH 国外
采购助理(管培生) 面议
Wuhu Shipyard(Europe)GmbH 国外
采购经理 面议
Wuhu Shipyard(Europe)GmbH 国外
Vice President (VP) Manufacturing & Managing Director (m/f/d) 面议
AIMS International-Germany GmbH 青岛