Avancis GmbH
  • 面议
  • 国外
  • 经验 不限
  • 兼职
  • 发布于1970-01-01

1.开发创新工艺,以制造薄膜串联太阳能电池,例如过氧化物/铜铟镓硒电池 2.开发干沉积工艺 3.作为试验生产线的工艺负责人,需要在出现问题时进行干预,并实施持续改进 4.维护和校准中试线的系统或测量设备 5.接手内部或资助项目的项目管理工作 6.总结研究进展并向国际利益相关者介绍 1.You will develop innovative processes to create thin-film tandem solar cells, e.g. perovskite/CIGS 2.Among other things, you will develop dry deposition processes 3.As the process owner on the pilot line, you intervene when problems arise and implement continuous improvements 4.You maintain and calibrate systems or measuring devices in the pilot line 5.You take over the project management for internal or funded projects 6.Last but not least, you will summarize the research progress and present it to international stakeholders


1.已顺利完成物理学、材料科学或类似专业的大学学业 2.在串联太阳能电池干沉积工艺领域有多年专业经验或成功撰写过论文,重点研究过磷灰石 3.了解半导体元件的物理基础知识以及镀膜工具的工艺和系统技术 4.可以不定期地进行国内和国际出差。 5.母语为中文,并具备良好的英语书写和口语能力 1.You have successfully completed your university degree in physics, materials science or similar 2.Ideally you have several years of professional experience or successfully written a thesis in the field of dry deposition processes for tandem solar cells with focus on perovskite 3.You also have knowledge of the physical basics of semiconductor components and the process and system technology of coating tools 4.You are ready for occasional national and international travel 5.You are a native Chinese speaker and good written and spoken English skills complete your profile


