1. 海外项目(无人叉车)的工勘/实施工作,包含网络部署,叉车雷达标定,软件调试,场景调试,异常处理,客户培训,客户技术支持等工作 2. 推进项目实施过程中的问题解决,按时保质完成任务目标,按时验收 3. 按时总结按时复盘,持续提效缩短验收周期。输出高质量复盘文档,组织会议进行团队分享
任职要求: 1. 英语听说读写熟练,可以与客户进行口语交流业务 2. 本科及以上学历,机器人技术,软件工程,计算机网络技术,网络工程相关专业 3. 熟悉windows及Linux系统;熟练安装部署计算机系统;对视觉,点云有一定认知 4. 机器人,无人叉车行业背景优先 5. 会CAD类画图软件加分 What you will do: On-site visit to our client\'s project location. Application and Implementation of the project, including network deployment, forklift radar calibration, software debugging, scene debugging, exception handling, customer training, customer technical support, etc.. Generate high-quality review documents and organize meetings for team sharing. We would like you to be: Proficient in both English and Chinese. Bachelor degree, majoring in robotics, software engineering, computer network technology, network engineering related majors. Familiar with windows and Linux systems; proficient in installing and deploying computer systems; have a certain understanding of vision and point clouds. Robotics and unmanned forklift industry background is preferred. Familiar with CAD drawing software.
上班地址:Duisburg , Deutschland
Multiway Robotics is an advanced leading intelligent intralogistics solution provider and our headquarter is in Shenzhen, China. We also have global offices and local team - United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea, with over 180 employees around the Multiway robotics features in micro-class navigation, fastest speed control, large-scale dispatch algorithm and machine vision technology. 劢微机器人专注于先进的机器人与人工智能技术,为客户提供产品级的智能制造及智慧物流解决方案;从底层核心传感器,到核心算法,再到自主研发的无人化车型及上层系统,整套端到端解决方案,形成一体化全栈式创新交付平台。硬件产品包括:全品类的无人叉车及四向穿梭车;软件系统包括:劢微云、WMS、RCS、WCS、现场管理系统及多种视觉解决方案。 劢微机器人已在工厂、仓储、物流等领域交付了大量标杆项目,成为全球众多行业领先客户信赖的持续合作伙伴。